Here you will find tips which software is the best and how you can work smarter on your windows pc system. I am a programmer and i like ButtonCommander 1.0 software, Together with autohotkey freeware You can Speedup your computer movements.
The Power of Buttoncommander Software, is that you can Make a set of Transparante Buttons, these Buttons you can then place on any kind of Picture. How nice is that. you can Simple Push these area's on the Picture and it will run the Autohotkey Codes. You can Now Make Virtual Enterpad cards to automate your Movements..
If you build your own toolbars for window applications, then you do not
need to moving your hands to your keyboard device. Simple go with your
mouse pointer to the self explaned button icons pictures on the toolbar,
push the button with your mouse device and the scripts does do the jobs
for you, it will direct execute the computer movements . or you can push
the ctrl,shift,window or alt button icons on the screen and with your left
hand you can press a key on the keyboard, (ctrl,shift,windows,alt capslock
is also possible) this is a smart en effiecient way to work so that
you can stay always your right hand on your mouse device.
See picture's Methode 1 to 3:
MethÂode 1:
if you use Buttoncommander toolbars on your main monitor you can Improve
and reduce your Computer movements, In this picture you will see a simple
With this tip you can have always, No Redirections Google Search Results to your local Country :
Button Maker: